41 diflexx duo label
Home - Label Database - CDMS Specimen Label, NVA 2021-04-279-0089 24 (c) Registration, CO-070002 NVA 2022-04-0279-0218 For Aerial Use in Field Corn (Excluding Field Corn Grown for Seed) 24 (c) Registration, KS-07-0001 NVA 2007-04-279-0002 For Aerial Application on Field Corn 24 (c) Registration, NE-21-0003 NVA 2021-04-279-0012 For Aerial Application in Field Corn SDS, 2020 ... Diflexx Label - Fill Online, Printable, Fillable, Blank | pdfFiller Get the free diflexx label form Description of diflexx label U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY EPA Reg. Number:Date of Issuance:26411842/17/16Office of Pesticide Programs Registration Division (7505P) 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20460NOTICE Fill & Sign Online, Print, Email, Fax, or Download
PDF CAUTION US80930607B - CropWatch US80930607B (150113Bv2) DIFLEXX HERBICIDE 2.5 GALLON ETL cmyk 3/16/15 Herbicide GROUP 4 HERBICIDE Net Contents: 2.5 Gallons US80930607B 150113 Bv2 03/15 Intended for: A Herbicide for weed control in field corn grown for grain, seed and silage, popcorn, and for fallow croplands. ACTIVE INGREDIENT:

Diflexx duo label
DiFlexx DUO: A New Corn Herbicide - CropWatch DiFlexx DUO is a selective pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide for control of annual broadleaf weeds; control and/or suppression of many biennial/perennial broadleaf weeds; and control of annual grasses in corn. Weed control ceases within hours after DiFlexx DUO is applied. Viewing a thread - Diflexx herbicide What does it cost to run Diflexx Duo? wildcat_farmer: Posted 5/26/2016 15:30 (#5321899 - in reply to #5320217) ... Take a look at the diflexx label & the Clarity label the amount of active is the same %. So, bayer has essentially taken Clarity and added an above ground safener and a below ground safener. DiFlexx® DUO | FBN - Farmers Business Network DiFlexx® DUO Product label Group 27 4 Herbicide Active Ingredients Dicamba (1.26 lbs/gal); Tembotrione (0.27 lbs/gal) Add to Cart Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery Product details Resources Label Safety Data Sheet ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS* Price Transparency
Diflexx duo label. DiFlexx DUO — A New Corn Herbicide | Farms.com DiFlexx DUO is a suspension concentrate that requires the use of an external surfactant and a nitrogen fertilizer source to achieve optimum weed control when applied post-emergence or when applied preplant or pre-mergence if weeds are present. Agriculturally approved drift-reducing additives also may be used. Surfactant DiFlexx - BAYER herbicide DIFLEXX Herbicide Application Rates for Control or Suppression by Weed Type and Growth Stage. For crop-specific application timings and other details, refer to the SPECIFIC CROP USE RECOMMENDATIONS section of the label. COMPATIBILITY TESTING AND TANK MIX PARTNERS 1. Before mixing components, always perform a compatibility jar test. 2. PDF SMARTLINE US84114693E (191223E) LABMC DIFLEXX 2.5 GAL ETL colors: cmyk ... SMARTLINE US84114693E (191223E) LABMC DIFLEXX 2.5 GAL ETL colors: cmyk 1/10/20 US84114693E 191223E 01/20 A Herbicide for weed control in field corn grown for grain, seed and silage, popcorn, and for fallow croplands. ... pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE), notification to workers, and restricted ... How to Apply Corvus and DiFlexx DUO Herbicides - YouTube Learn how to apply Corvus® and DiFlexx® DUO herbicides for best results, including recommended timing, spray tips and tankmix partners. Protect your corn fro...
Salja tradera - valutalxygszg.netlify.app Diflexx duo herbicide label. The maximum seasonal rate of diflexx duo which can be applied is 78 fl ozacre per use season. Enlist duo and enlist one herbicides are the only 24 d products authorized for use in enlist crops. Cmyk 22516 us61380661a 160217a 0216 a herbicide for control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds in field. DiFlexx DUO Herbicide Use & Mixing | Crop Science US - Bayer DiFlexx DUO Labels / MSDS Registered Crops Key Pests Use & Mixing FAQ Resources Ask Bayer Use & Mixing The instructions for use and mixing described below are from the Environmental Protection Agency approved Federal Label. Please click on 'Labels / MSDS' in the left hand navigation for special or state label instructions. Labels for DIFLEXX DUO (264-1184) | US EPA Contact Us Labels for DIFLEXX DUO (264-1184) Pre-fix You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF pageto learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest EPA Reg. No. Product Name PDF KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION - Amazon Web Services DiFlexx DUO use rates less than 32 fluid ounces per acre will provide only partial weed control; performance may not be commercially acceptable. 2 Biennial weeds larger than 1-3 inches in diameter in the rosette stage will not be controlled at commercially acceptable levels at recommended rates of DiFlexx DUO. 7.125 6.495 6.875 COPY AREA COPY ...
Pesticide Storage, Application and Rainfast Times - Ag PhD Please check the label for the current and most correct information about each product. PRODUCT EPA REG # RAINFAST ... DIFLEXX: 264-1173: 4: 15: NO MIN: 3 TO 50: 20: DIFLEXX DUO: 264-1184: 4: 10: NO MIN: 10 TO 20: 30-60: DIMENSION 2EW: 62719-542: N/A: N/A: 32: 20: ... ENLIST DUO: 62719-649: 24: 15: NO MIN: 10 TO 15: 20-100: ENLIST ONE: 62719 ... DiFlexx Herbicide Labels & MSDS | Crop Science US - Bayer DiFlexx1v_Label.pdf - Label Additional Labels Reduced Rates in Corn (Field, Popcorn, Seed, & Silage) - 2EE Reduced Rates in Popcorn - 2EE Always read and follow label instructions. Not all products are registered for use in every state. Please check with Bayer or your local Lead State Agency for product registration status. PDF -1173 NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: X Registration Reregistration - US EPA DiFlexx Herbicide Name and Address of Registrant (include ZIP Code): Bayer CropScience LP P.O. Box 12014, 2 T.W. Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Note: Changes in labeling differing in substance from that accepted in connection with this registration must be submitted to and accepted by the DiFlexx Duo | Bayer CropScience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook DiFlexx Duo | Bayer CropScience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook DiFlexx Duo Bayer CropScience Snapshot ID: 3109 Active ingredients Tembotrione Diglycolamine salt of 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid Registration EPA: 264-1184 Pests
DiFlexx™ Herbicide | FBN - Farmers Business Network DiFlexx™ Herbicide Product label Group 4 Herbicide Active Ingredient Dicamba DGA with Safener (4 lbs/gal) Add to Cart Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery Product details Resources Label Safety Data Sheet Price Transparency Become a Member to See What Other Farmers Are Paying for Inputs
DiFlexx® Duo Herbicide | Reichman Sales & Service DiFlexx® Duo Herbicide | Reichman Sales & Service View Quote Products DiFlexx ® Duo Herbicide Category Herbicides Manufacturer Bayer CropScience Documents MSDS Label Qty. Needed gals. Pack Size Add to Quote Disclaimer Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product.
Diflexx herbicide label Diflexx duo herbicide label. Reichman Sales & Service PO Box 698 - Toluca, IL 61369 Phone: 815-452-2665 Fax: 815-452-2837 Balance flexx herbicide label. Balance flexx is an excellent product in a sequential program with capreno diflexx duo laudis glyphosate or other postemergence herbicidesusing balance flexx as the foundation for a two pass ...
Control tough weeds with help from DiFlexx DUO herbicide Control tough weeds with help from DiFlexx DUO herbicide - YouTube DiFlexx DUO provides powerful postemergence control against the full range of tough weeds. Learn more at ...
Tips for Corn Weed Management When You Have Delays - Kruger Seed DiFlexx® herbicide, DiFlexx® DUO herbicide, Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide, or XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology (a restricted use herbicide) are products that can be used or included in a tank mix prior to planting. Consult each product label to determine use requirements and possible tank mix options.
PDF HERBICIDE DIFLEXX DUO dicamba DiFlexx 4 tembotrione Laudis 27 DIMETRIC CHARGED metribuzin Metribuzin 5 flumioxazin Valor 14 ENLIST DUO 2,4-D 2,4-D 4 glyphosate glyphosate 9 ENLITE ... Check for a label and Material Safety Data Sheet at to confirm status. This chart contains some restricted use pesticides. Always consult label prior to use.
DiFlexx Duo - BAYER herbicide PRODUCT INFORMATION DiFlexx DUO is a selective preemergence and postemergence herbicide for the control of annual broadleaf weeds; control and/or suppression of many biennial/ perennial broadleaf weeds and control of annual grasses found in corn (field corn, seed corn, popcorn and corn grown for silage) and for postharvest burndown weed control.
All Straight Dicamba Products Now Restricted Use in South Dakota These applications also require records to be filled out daily. Outside of Engenia, Fexapan, or Xtendimax all other straight dicamba products will not have the restricted use label on the package because they are only restricted use in South Dakota and a few other states. However, they are not considered restricted use across the entire US.
DiFlexx Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) [264-1173] - $529.95 : Keystone Pest ... The only safened dicamba corn herbicide that can be used early season Extremely fast and effective control of tough broadleaf weeds with residual Controls more than 100 annual and perennial weeds, including those resistant to glyphosate-, PPO-, ALS- and triazine-based herbicides Liquid formulation vs. dry
Labels for DIFLEXX HERBICIDE (264-1173) | US EPA Labels for DIFLEXX HERBICIDE (264-1173) Pre-fix You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF pageto learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest 1 - 4 Active Ingredient Name
DiFlexx® DUO | FBN - Farmers Business Network DiFlexx® DUO Product label Group 27 4 Herbicide Active Ingredients Dicamba (1.26 lbs/gal); Tembotrione (0.27 lbs/gal) Add to Cart Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery Product details Resources Label Safety Data Sheet ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS* Price Transparency
Viewing a thread - Diflexx herbicide What does it cost to run Diflexx Duo? wildcat_farmer: Posted 5/26/2016 15:30 (#5321899 - in reply to #5320217) ... Take a look at the diflexx label & the Clarity label the amount of active is the same %. So, bayer has essentially taken Clarity and added an above ground safener and a below ground safener.
DiFlexx DUO: A New Corn Herbicide - CropWatch DiFlexx DUO is a selective pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide for control of annual broadleaf weeds; control and/or suppression of many biennial/perennial broadleaf weeds; and control of annual grasses in corn. Weed control ceases within hours after DiFlexx DUO is applied.
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