41 turflon ester mix rate
Residential Guide to Triclopyr Herbicide - Prince Gardening Use HI-YIELD Triclopyr Ester previously known as Turflon Ester Ultra herbicide for the control of actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and kikuyugrass in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or tall fescue ornamental turf including these turfgrasses in golf courses. $21.13 from DoMyOwn.com Why DoMyOwn? Turflon Ester - diypestcontrol Contains 61.6% active ingredient for use on cool season turf only One pint covers up to 20,000 sq. ft Spot Treatment: Mix 4 teaspoons in 1 gallon of water (1 teaspoon in a small quart sprayer) in hand pump sprayer and apply to weeds. Application Rates and Tips If turfgrass is newly seeded, mow 2 or 3 times before application of Turflon Ester.
Turflon Ester to Control Bermuda Grass: How To Use It The Label: "Apply TURFLON Ester at the rate of 3/4 fluid ounce per 1,000 square feet in enough water to provide uniform coverage of the target area." How well can you measure ¾ ounce? That equals 1.5 tablespoons or 4.5 teaspoons. Do the best you can to be accurate here. Your fescue will thank you for your patience.
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Turflon ester mix rate
Turflon Ester - Monterey Lawn and Garden Products • Do not apply more than 5.87 fl. oz. TURFLON ESTER per 1,000 sq. ft. per year. • Use of this product in certain portions of California, Oregon, and Washington is subject to the January 22, 2004 Order of Injunctive Relief in Washington Toxics Coalition et. al. v. EPA, C01-0132C (W.D. WA). Turflon Ester and common bermuda control - houzz.com For Turflon Ester the rate for Bermuda grass control is 3/4 of an ounce for 1000/ft2. Which equals 1-Tablespoon plus 1-1/2 teaspoons per 1000/ft2. You are going to have to just eaperiment by filling your tank with 1-gallon of water and determine how much ground it will cover. If you get a full 1000/ft2 per gallon, then you know what to do. Combo of Tenacity, Turflon Ester, and Regular 3-way Turflon Ester @ 32oz/Acre - 2 purposes: decrease the effect of Tenacity on the grass and to harm some of the still green bermuda I have been working to suppress with good success (using Acclaim Extra + Turflon Ester monthly May-Aug)
Turflon ester mix rate. Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Help - Questions and Answers - DoMyOwn.com Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra is labeled to eradicate wild violets. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions. You will mix 3/8 - 3/4 oz. per 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. You can apply this product early spring through fall for the most effective results. Was this answer helpful to you? Yes No PDF in Ornamental Turf TURFLON Ester - Agrian Mix 3/8 to 3/4 fluid ounce of TURFLON Ester per 1,000 square feet in enough water to provide uniform coverage of the target area and apply ... Apply TURFLON Ester at a rate of 1/2 to 1 quart square feet) in enough water to provide uniform coverage of the target area. To improve activity, MSMA herbicide may be tank mixed with the square feet ... Buy Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide Concentrate Online When treating mature plants or hard to control species, and for applications made during drought conditions, use the higher rates of Turfion Ester. Spot Treatment of Ornamental Turf Mix 3/8 to 3/4 fl oz of Turflon Ester per 1000 sq ft in enough water to provide uniform coverage of the target area. Apply at any time broad-leaf weeds are susceptible. PDF Control the toughest weeds. Turflon Ester Ultra specialty ... - Corteva Spot treatment of ornamental turf • Mix ⅜ to ¾ fl. oz. of Turflon Ester Ultra per 1,000 sq. ft. with enough water to provide uniform coverage of the target area (for ⅜ to ¾ fl. oz. of product, use 1-gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft.). Tank-mixing recommendations
Turflon® Ester - Monterey Lawn & Garden Reapply Turflon® Ester at 4-week intervals. Mow newly seeded turfgrass 2 or 3 times before treating. Do not water for 24 hours after application. Do not reseed for 3 weeks after application. This precaution does not apply when bermudagrass turf is overseeded with perennial ryegrass at a minimum reseeding rate of 9.2 lbs. per 1000 sq ft. Turflon Ester Herbicide | Solutions Pest & Lawn Turflon Ester is highly concentrated, so accuracy when measuring and mixing is crucial, as inaccurate measurements can lead to varying results. Turflon is an emulsifiable concentrate, so it will need to be agitated regularly when it is mixed to keep a proper emulsion. Triclopyr General Fact Sheet - Oregon State University Triclopyr has a low vapor pressure, meaning it is not likely to release fumes into the environment. 5. Triclopyr in water breaks down faster with light. The half-life of triclopyr in water with light is around 1 day. 5 Without light, it is stable in water with a half-life of 142 days. 4. Triclopyr breaks down relatively quickly in soils. Turflon® Ester Ultra Specialty Post Emergent Herbicide - Reinders Product Label Download SDS. Turflon® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide offers broad-spectrum postemergence control of early-emerging, hard-to-control weeds, such as ground ivy and wild violet. Effective postemergence control of more than 25 broadleaf weeds. Can be tank-mixed with labeled three-way herbicides for even more superior control of ...
Amazon.com : Monterey LG5518 Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide ... This item: Monterey LG5518 Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide Concentrate Broadleaf Weed Killer for Lawns, 16 oz $59.21 Southern Ag Surfactant for Herbicides Non-Ionic, 16oz, 1 Pint $13.57 Tenacity Turf Herbicide - 8 ounces (Packaging may vary) $59.37 Turflon Ester Ultra - Do It Yourself Pest Control Supplies Rates call from 1/2- 1 quart per acre of Turflon Ester Ultra mixed with enough water to control emerged and actively growing broadleaf weeds in perennial ryegrass, perennial bluegrass, or tall fescue. Spray mixture over targeted area in a uniform manner. If there are hard to control weeds or mature plants, use a higher rate of Turflon Ester. Turflon Ester works for bermuda in fescue - turfgrass You don't want to use a hose send sprayer with Turflon-ester. It's extremely potent. I think 3 oz. per 1 1/2 gallons was an error. The label on the bottle states 1/3 oz. per gallon. I've used turflon-ester many times. It is works beautifully on my fescue. But you must use it according to the label to have good results. Turflon® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide — Turf & Ornamental For broadcast treatments, apply 1/2 to 1 quart of Turflon ® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide per acre in enough water to control broadleaf weeds actively growing in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass or tall fescue. For control of kikuyugrass, apply ½ to 1 quart per acre. For control of bermudagrass, apply 1 quart per acre. Application Timing
PDF Turflon Ester - Brandt Home Page to improve the spectrum of activity, turfl on ester may be tank mixed at a rate of 1/2 to 1 pint per acre (1/4 to 1/3 fl .oz. in 2 gallons of water per 1,000 sq.ft.) with recommended rates of low volatile amine or ester formulations of 2,4-d, mcpp, or other labeled postemergence broadleaf herbicides provided the tank mix product is registered for …
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, TURFLON ESTER, 02/28/1997 Mi)(ing Instructions When TURFlON Ester is mixed with water, it forms an emulsion (not a solution) and separation may occur unless the spra~ mixture is agitated continuously. ~dd about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray 'ani<. Start agitation and add the recommended amount of TURFlON oster.
MLG 11 107 Turflon Ester 2.75x4 PintConcV3 To improve the spectrum of activity, TURFLON ESTER may be tank mixed at a rate of 1/4 to 1/3 fl. oz. in 2 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet with recommended rates of low volatile amine formulations of 2,4-D, MCPP or other labeled postemergence broadleaf herbicides provided the tank mix product is registered for use on ornamental turfgrass
Amazon.com : Monterey LG 5512 Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide ... Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide.Use Turflon Ester specialty herbicide for the control of actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, bermudagrass and kikuyugrass in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass or tall fescue ornamental turfgrass. ... The issue with this stuff is that you have to measure how much you're mixing based off ...
PDF Specimen Label - Newsom Seed Mix 3/8 to 3/4 ounces of Turflon Ester per 1000 square feet in enough water to provide uniform coverage of the target area and apply at any time broadleaf weeds are susceptible. Note: Do not apply more than 2 quarts per acre or 1.5 ounces per 1000 square feet of Turflon Ester in a single application. Control of Kikuyugrass
Bermuda, Zoysia and Fusilade II - turfgrass The label for Fusilade II (24.5% fluazifop-P-butyl ) says that to over-spray zoysia, apply at 3-4 ounces Fusilade II per acre along with a nonionic surfactant, starting late spring (June 1), and repeat every 28-30 days. Late summer applications can be reduced to 2-3 ounces per acre, and during hot summer weather the rate can be increased to 4-5 ...
Turflon Ester Ultra - DoMyOwn.com Per the product label for spot treating Turflon Ester Ultra, there is not a set rate per amount of water so we are unable to provide per a quart of water. You would mix 3/8 to 3/4 fl oz per 1000 sq ft in enough water to provide uniform coverage of the target area. Was this answer helpful to you? Yes No 2 of 17 people found this answer helpful Q
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, TURFLON ESTER, 07/19/2005 L 1A I Turtlon Ester I Notif I 07-05-05 file: Turtlon Ester-258 05Ju105N.doc Turflon® Ester EPA Reg. No. 62719-258 Registration Notes: Source label text based on EPA accepted copy dated August 18, 2000. Changes by notification: 1. Updated trademark symbols throughout label. 2.
PDF TURFLON Ester TM Do not use or store near heat or open flame. Do not cut Tank Mixing To improve the spectrum of activity, TURFLON Ester may be tank mixed feet with recommended rates of low volatile amine formulations of 2,4-D, MCPP or other labeled postemergence broadleaf herbicides. Refer to tank mix product labels for specific use directions, precautions and limitations before use. Broadcast Treatment of ...
Pylex ® Herbicide | BASF Turfgrass Turf Grass Care Products Benefits of Pylex ® Herbicide. Safe for most cool- and warm-season turfgrasses. Readily absorbed by leaves, roots and shoots. Translocated to the growing points of susceptible weeds. A highly effective postemergent broadcast or spot spray.
Turflon/Fusilade mix on Fescue: Learn from my Fail - LawnSite I mixed up a gallon (fusilade II, Turflon Ester @ label rate, plus surfactant) and applied it with a small pump up sprayer. It looked good for the cool week. The Bermuda looked unhappy (but not dead), and the Fescue growth slowed, but it was still doing fine. Then about a week after application, it hit mid to upper 90's again.
Combo of Tenacity, Turflon Ester, and Regular 3-way Turflon Ester @ 32oz/Acre - 2 purposes: decrease the effect of Tenacity on the grass and to harm some of the still green bermuda I have been working to suppress with good success (using Acclaim Extra + Turflon Ester monthly May-Aug)
Turflon Ester and common bermuda control - houzz.com For Turflon Ester the rate for Bermuda grass control is 3/4 of an ounce for 1000/ft2. Which equals 1-Tablespoon plus 1-1/2 teaspoons per 1000/ft2. You are going to have to just eaperiment by filling your tank with 1-gallon of water and determine how much ground it will cover. If you get a full 1000/ft2 per gallon, then you know what to do.
Turflon Ester - Monterey Lawn and Garden Products • Do not apply more than 5.87 fl. oz. TURFLON ESTER per 1,000 sq. ft. per year. • Use of this product in certain portions of California, Oregon, and Washington is subject to the January 22, 2004 Order of Injunctive Relief in Washington Toxics Coalition et. al. v. EPA, C01-0132C (W.D. WA).
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